STAND4EU | CIDETEC Surface Treatments Workshop
STAND4EU had the pleasure to participate in the dynamic WS organized by CIDETEC "Surface
Treatments Pilot Lines" on April 23rd and 24th!
Hosted by CIDETEC Surface Engineering and powered by the Sure2Coat project, alongside
collaboration with the Bilasurf project, this event was a gathering of minds in the realm of
surface treatments.
From cutting-edge insights to practical applications, the participants delved into the realm
of scaling and pilot plants, guided by top-tier experts from industry giants like Siemens
AG, Elsyca, Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Micro-Arc S.C., University of Aveiro, and Ceit.
Siemens AG, represented by Schaefer Martin, was there to present the Stand4EU project and
leading engaging polls and discussions. Their objective? To bridge the gap between research
and market through standardization, a mission we all resonate with deeply.
Stay tuned for more news about the presence of STAND4EU and its partners in globally
relevant events!
By EWF | 23th-24th of April 2024